Training & Classes

Cognos classes are held approximately every 2 months, at Laurel Heights. There is a three (3) student minimum and a 12 student maximum. If this minimum is not met, the class will not be held.

Registration Deadlines: Please register at least one (1) week before the scheduled class.

  • Cancellations: If you are already registered but find that you are unable to attend the class, as a courtesy to us, please cancel. To cancel, please email Maria Lourdes Imasa.

Day 1 will be devoted to Analysis Studio.  Day 2 will be devoted to Query Studio.

Each training day is divided into morning and afternoon sessions.

  • Morning sessions, (Mandatory for New Users), are from 8:30am - 12:00noon, focusing on tools and capabilities
  • Afternoon sessions, (Optional), are from 1pm -4pm, focusing on specific report building abilities

Aside from New Users who are required to take an initial morning class, classes are open to all users. Simply register for any combination.

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